The Gateway Initiative is a set of services designed to provide low-income, 1st generation students with the necessary resources, academic skills, and appropriate referrals that will allow them to reach their maximum personal, academic, and career potential. Gateway supports students to be successful at UCI and to be ‘top performers’ in their respective academic fields.

Book Loan Program

The book loan program is a program for income-eligible students to borrow textbooks, Chrome books, i-clickers, and materials from Student Success Initiatives (SSI). Students who have an Expected Family Contribution of zero are eligible for this program

SSI LARC Scholarship

Student Success Initiatives offers our income and academically eligible students an opportunity to get a scholarship for the on-campus tutoring. The link to check eligibility is available on the SSI website during the first 3 weeks of the quarter.

Graduate School Preparation

Student Success Initiatives will provide information sessions that help students learn about graduate school, GRE prep courses, a graduate school prep course (University Studies 45) during winter quarter, and GRE prep materials for eligible students.

Free/Discounted Printing

Student Success Initiatives provides free printing for our program participants by giving them print cards when the participate in workshops and meetings. SSI also offers printing at discount for anyone who visits the SSI office.

SSI Peer Educators

Each academic year Student Success Initiatives hires Peer Educators to work in our office and assist in supporting our programs and services for first generation, low income student populations. The application for these positions open during the Winter quarter. SSI promotes these positions by emailing our students, posting flyers in the office, and posting the positions on the SSI Instagram and website.

Cap & Gown Borrowing

Eligible students in SSI programs will have the opportunity to borrow a Cap and Gown during the Spring quarter for their Graduation ceremonies.

Gateway Initiative Workshops

The Gateway workshops are academic enrichment workshops that are designed to provide students with the tools and knowledge necessary to successfully navigate campus and achieve academic success.


Second-year Transitional Experience Program (STEP) was developed to help first generation and low income first- year students transition into their second year at UC Irvine. STEP aims to help students with their academic and personal needs.

Academic Success Plans

The purpose of an ASP meeting is to help students think about their current behaviors and help them to think about new skills they might adopt that will help them to stay on track/ increase their academic success at UCI. The goal is to provide the student with valuable tips and suggestions and help them to develop strategies for academic success. Students applying for the SSI LARC Scholarship must complete an ASP.

Programs & Services

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up for Gateway Initiatives?

Answer: There is no sign up. Our office has a list of all eligible students. If you are eligible you will receive communication from our office to take advantage of our resources.

Do I have to be in a Student Success Initiatives (SSI) Program to take advantage of Gateway Initiative resources?

Answer: No. Students that are participants In our SSI programs will generally have access to all Gateway Initiative services. However, If you are NOT In an SSI program you can still take advantage of our services. Check the eligibility criteria for the service you are trying to utilize to see If you qualify. Eligibility criteria can be found on our website.

Why am I not eligible for the SSI LARC Scholarship?

Answer: Eligibility for the LARC Scholarship changes each quarter. You must have an EFC=0 and a 3.0GPA or below. Active participants in SSI programs are eligible for the SSI LARC Scholarship regardless of the EFC=0 and 3.0GPA requirement (Does not apply for ISEP).

I am eligible for a LARC Scholarship, so why was I charged for the LARC Tutorial?

Answer: One of two things – 1. You did not submit the LARC agreement by the deadline. Even if you are in an SSI program you MUST complete the agreement by the deadline or you will not be considered for the scholarship. AND/OR 2. You did not complete the remaining requirements which is to complete an Academic Success Plan and attend at least 10 LARC tutorials.

I completed all the LARC Requirements. Why do I have a charge on my zot account?

Answer: Receiving a LARC Scholarship can sometimes have an affect on your financial aid. Since this is a scholarship, financial aid factors it into your financial aid award which can cause your financial aid to be readjusted. The readjustment to your financial aid can result in a charge on your zot account. Students can contact the financial aid office to determine if this is the case. If you still have questions, please contact Adeeva Myers so she can further assess why you were charged for a tutorial.

How do I know if I am Eligible for Gateway Initiative Services?

Answer: Eligible students will typically have an Expected Family Contribution (EFC=0) as determined by financial aid. SSI Program participants are also eligible. If you are unsure of your eligibility you can contact the Gateway Initiative Counselor or visit our website for details on the criteria for eligibility for each of our services.


Adeeva Myers, M.Ed.

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers


Gateway Initiatives | Gateway Scholars | Umoja Pilot Program
Student Success Initiatives
(949) 824-3670 |