JEFFERSON | Peer Mentor

Junior| International Studies

Pronouns: He-Him-His

  • Campus Involvements: DREAM Center Student Staff, Dream Project Fellow, SAFIRE (Students Advocating For Immigrant Rights and Equity), ASUCI
  • Ask me about: 
  • Favorite thing about UC Irvine:
  • Future Goals:

PAOLA | Peer Mentor

Senior | Psychology

Pronouns: She-Her-Hers

  • Campus Involvements: DREAM Center Student Staff, Dream Project Fellow, Brain Exercise Initiative
  • Ask me about: 
  • Favorite thing about UC Irvine:
  • Future Goals:

CARLOS | Peer Mentor

Senior | Sociology

Pronouns: He-Him-His

  • Campus Involvements: Dream Project Fellow, SAFIRE (Students Advocating For Immigrant Rights and Equity)
  • Ask me about: 
  • Favorite thing about UC Irvine:
  • Future Goals:

DIANA | Peer Mentor

Senior | Criminology Law & Society and Psychological Science

Pronouns: She-Her-Hers

  • Campus Involvements: The Hill

  • Ask me about: 

  • Favorite thing about UC Irvine:

  • Future Goals:

JAHAIRA | DPF Programming & Marketing Fellow

Sophmore| Undeclared

Pronouns: She-Her-Hers

  • Campus Involvements:
  • Ask me about: 
  • Favorite thing about UC Irvine:
  • Future Goals: