Our Mission
Through a collaborative effort between Student Success Initiatives (SSI) and the Student Outreach and Retention (SOAR) Center, the Gateway Scholars Program aims to support the advancement and holistic development of its students. Educational partnerships make up a cohort of students, consisting of first-year students, continuing students, and transfers, who will receive support through intentional programming and advising to meet their academic, personal, and professional needs as they make their transition into UC Irvine.
In order to apply, students must be a participant from one of the following educational partnerships:
Gateway Scholars will have access to the following resources and services:
- One-on-one Academic Counseling
- Learning & Academic Resource Center (LARC) Tutorial Scholarship
- Weekly Workshops
- Book Loan Program
- Chromebook Loan Program
- Computer Lab/Study Lounge
- Low-Cost Printing
- Testing Materials
- Graduate School Support
Program Requirements
Gateway Scholars must complete/meet the following requirements throughout the academic year:
All Gateway Scholar Cohort Participants
- Must attend the Gateway Scholar Orientation
- Must meet with your Counselor at least ONCE per quarter.
- Must attend academic enrichment workshops each quarter.
- Must Log Workshops at the end of each quarter on Canvas
- Must meet with a Pathfinder at SOAR (Peer Mentor)
- Must Opt into ScoreShare
Gateway Scholar Workshops & Events
Winter Welcome: Charcuterie & Chat
Thursday, January 12th
11am – 12pm
Student Services II, Room 1010AB
Hybrid option is available*
Register on Campus Groups
Career Exploration Workshop
Wednesday, February 1st
1pm – 2pm
Student Services II, Room 1010AB
Register on Campusgroups
Senior Meeting - Managing Stress & Anxiety of Transition
Thursday, February 23rd
11am – 12pm
Register on Campusgroups
SSI Family Feud - End of Quarter Event
Thursday, March 2nd
4pm – 5:30pm
Register on Campusgroups
Location Tbd
Student Success Initiatives
Office: 2200 Student Services II
Student Outreach & Retention Center (SOAR)
Office: 2200 Student Services II
Click Here To Book an Appointment
(Adeeva Can Be Found Under Student Success Initiatives)